About Our Warah



Years Of Experiences

About Our Warah


Warah Environmental Consultancy Co. (WEC) is a specialised environmental company dedicated to providing exceptional services and consultancy to clients from the government, private, and civil sectors. With a strong commitment to excellence, WEC offers innovative and responsive solutions that address our clients' environmental challenges and support their sustainability goals. WEC is registered as a training institute in the environment and related fields with the public authority for technical education and training, and WEC is listed in Category A of accredited environmental consultancy offices and multi-activities organisations registered by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA). WEC’s portfolio has grown to include a wide range of services, like HSE training, soft skills and professional development courses, overseas education, and recruitment services, that are specifically designed to satisfy our clients' changing demands, all while maintaining a foundation of environmental consulting.

Vision & Mission


Every change begins with a vision and a decision to take action.

     WEC aspires to be the leading environmental company that provides customised, progressive services and solutions locally and internationally while promoting sustainable environmental solutions. WEC envisions becoming the world leader in professional development programmes, soft skills training, HSE training, creative international education services, and recruitment solutions. In the future, WEC envisages both individuals and organisations empowered to pursue excellence, safety, and long-term success on a regional, national, and global level, bringing about positive change and prosperity in a variety of sectors and local communities.
    Warah Environmental Consultancy Co. (WEC) aims to be the global leader in environmental solutions. It envisions providing customized services and solutions, offering professional development programs, emphasizing soft skills training, promoting health, safety, and environmental consciousness, fostering cross-cultural education, and empowering individuals and organizations. WEC’s ensuring long-term success and prosperity across sectors and local communities worldwide.


Mission defines strategy, and strategy defines structure.

    WEC looks for opportunities to reduce the environmental effects of our operations and support activities that promote the protection of human health and a sustainable global environment. WEC creates more competent, resilient, and safe work environments by offering professional development courses, HSE training, and active soft skills training. By utilising cutting-edge teaching strategies, WEC enables people and institutions to prosper in a constantly changing global environment while promoting a culture of quality, growth, and learning." WEC also strives to close the worldwide gap that exists between talent and opportunity. Through individualised international education services, end-to-end assistance, and unbiased guidance, WEC hopes to enable students to realise their full potential and flourish in a variety of academic settings worldwide. Furthermore, WEC is committed to establishing win-win collaborations that promote creativity, expansion, and success by bridging elite talent with forward-thinking companies through professional recruitment services.